The Flowers of War, colonna sonora: anteprima

Quest’oggi per la rubrica dedicata alle colonne sonore, vi proponiamo le suggestive musiche del kolossal cinese da 100 milioni di dollari The Flowers of War, diretto dal regista Zhang Yimou (Hero) e con protagonista l’attore Christian Bale che veste i panni di un sacerdote gesuita che offre rifugio ad un gruppo di prostitute e studentesse cinesi durante il massacro perpetrato dalle truppe nipponiche nella Nanchino del 1937. Dopo il salto trovate la colonna sonora completa di link per l’ascolto e clip musicali composta dal maestro Qigang Chen, che ricordiamo ha già collaborato con Yimou musicando il romance Under The Hawthorn Tree.


01. Love Theme I (Opening Credit)

02. Qin Huai Legend I (Falling in Love)

03. Redemption II (Tragedy in the Church)

04. Qin Huai Legend V (Parting Exhortation)

05. They are at Peace I (Death of Commander Li)

06. Qin Huai Legend II (Blood-Stained Strings)

07. Love Theme II (State of Mind)

08. Redemption V (Tragedy in the Church – Material 1)

09. Angels We Have Heard on High

10. Comfort and Hope I (Tragedy in the Church – Alternative Version 2 )

11. Redemption III (Alternative Version)

12. Virgin (Alternative Version)

13. Requiem and Redemption (Commander Li and the Children)

14. Qin Huai Legend VII (Geishas’ Chorus)

15. Ruins (Alternative Version)

16. They Are at Peace II (Brutality)

17. Love Theme III (Descent from Heaven)

18. Comfort and Hope II (Opening Credit – Alternative Version)

19. Heavenly Voice I (John and the Children’s dialogue)

20. Qin Huai Legend III (Entering the Gate)

21. Qin Huai Legend VI (Sisterhood)

22. Love Theme V (Parting – Alternative Version)

23. Heavenly Voice II (Alternative Version)

24. Qin Huai Legend IV (End Credit Chorus)

25. Comfort and Hope III (Running Towards Light)

26. Love Theme IV (End Credit)